Four months after the end of Sen. Bernie Sanders' groundbreaking 2020 presidential campaign, Senior Advisor Chuck Rocha publishes his debut memoir “Tío Bernie,” a chronicle of the historic Latino outreach program he pioneered.
This book is not about me. It’s about us: the Latinos who worked and volunteered for the campaign because they believe in an America that strives to live up to its potential. An America where every person - regardless of their immigration status - has health care, an education and a roof over their head. An America where your zip code doesn’t determine your potential.

"This book is a true behind the scenes look at the Bernie 2020 Latino outreach operation and Chuck's unique story of redemption through his personal journey to Bernie." -- Jeff Weaver, Bernie 2020 Senior Advisor
"Over nearly two decades of studying Latino political outreach and mobilization, I can say without a doubt that the outreach Chuck developed and executed was historic. What set this campaign apart was the union of both scope and depth - the Latino electorate is extremely heterogenous and rapidly growing, and requires a nuanced approach that draws on the shared lived experiences of the population while drawing out the unique facets of Latinx diversity. The Sanders campaign through Chuck's leadership has set a new standard for Latino political mobilization." -- Victoria M. DeFrancesco Soto, Ph.D, Assistant Dean at the LBJ School of Public Affairs - University of Texas at Austin
"My mother and father, immigrants from Mexico with a first and second grade education, proved that success is yours if you do what’s right and keep it simple at all times. That simple truth can work in a presidential campaign. Chuck Rocha did just that, he doesn’t have a college degree and he masterfully schooled us all on how to earn and win the Latino votes. School is in session, read this book." --
Rep. Tony Cárdenas, Proud American Son of Immigrants, United States Congressman
"A lot of folks climb the ladder in politics and ignore it behind them, or pull it up altogether. Not Chuck. I think one of the most important roles Chuck Rocha played in 2020 was of political mentor, godfather and champion for a whole slate of young Latinx talent that got their shot in the big leagues because he insisted “the room” needed their voices. " -- Analilia Mejia, Bernie 2020 National Political Director
"Chuck Rocha is the living example of the American dream. This is his moving redemption story, mixed with poignant observations about the current shift in our politics, making this a must read book for everyone." -- Jon Soltz, Iraq War Veteran and Chairman of VoteVets
"I traveled the country as a Bernie 2020 Co-Chair and I have never in my political career seen a more organized Latino outreach operation. Chuck Rocha and the entire team prioritized the Latino community early and intentionally in a way that paid off in state after state." -- Rep. Ro Khanna, Bernie 2020 National Co-Chair, United States Congressman
"Chuck showed how campaigns should be run in the Latino communities: when you have a message with good bilingual messengers, you can make a big difference." -- Domingo Garcia, LULAC National President
"Chuck has earned his way into the highest levels of political campaigns by achieving the seemingly impossible: reaching hard-to-reach communities. Chuck is an outsider who intuitively understands the cultural nuances that other campaigns never figure out… until it’s too late!" -- Jorge Elorza, Mayor of Providence, RI
"Tio Bernie is a groundbreaking book that is both deeply personal and unapologetically political, because the two are intricately intertwined. Chuck’s personal journey gave him the insight and drive needed to pioneer the most successful Latino voter mobilization program to date. The inspiration and lessons found in Tio Bernie are ones no political operative can afford to do without." -- Maria Cardona, Founder of Latinovations, Democratic Strategist
"Chuck Rocha represents so much of what is great about America- a small town kid from East Texas, with no money and no connections, who overcomes trial and tribulation, goes to Washington and ends up working at the highest levels of American politics. A self described ‘Redneck Mexican” who bridges cultural divides, this proud Latino political strategist is supporting a rising generation of Latino leaders across the country who will lead our country for generations to come. His is a story that needs to be told." -- Scott Bates, Former Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia and Secretary of State for Connecticut
"After guiding Chuck Rocha in search of the great game fish of Florida Keys waters for over a decade, I’ve come to learn that he has a passion for making our world a better place through the effective use of the democratic process. He always ends up on the right side of the fight, whether it’s helping save the Everglades or working to help Bernie Sanders create a more just and equitable America." -- Capt. Steve Friedman, Founding Board Member Florida Bay Forever/Save Our Waters
"Every day, Latinos are fighting for our seat at the table, and Chuck has been fighting that battle harder and longer than so many of us. In true Latino fashion, Chuck doesn’t do anything halfway. If he’s in your corner, he’ll push you to new heights that you told yourself you weren’t ready for." -- Farah Melendez, Political Director at Democratic Attorneys General Association
"As a first-generation college student who grew up in a poor immigrant community, I didn't think I could have a flourishing career in D.C. Solidarity Strategies gave me the necessary experience and tools to kick start my political career. Chuck has generously provided similar opportunities to other hungry, young professionals -- specifically targeting minorities and women. I'm grateful to be part of the Solidarity family -- a supportive alumni group that continues to uplift each other. " -- Eliza Ramirez, Legislative Director, U.S. Congress
"If you only first learned that “tio” means “uncle” in Spanish on February 22, 2020, thank Chuck Rocha." -- Matthew Butler, Veteran Democratic Operative